Saturday, May 4, 2013

A to Z Blog Challenge-Recap

YES!  I survived the A to Z Challenge for 2013!

     How do I know this?  Well, I figured it out when I ran out of alphabet letters to turn into posts.  LOL  (Then there's the matter of the badge that was sent out telling us that the challenge was done.  That helped too.)   

     This is the first year that I have participated in the A to Z Blog Challenge and it was a real eye-opener.  I've done 30-day projects before, I really enjoy them, and I'm at lose ends when they finally come to an end.  This challenge was no different.  It got a bit rough towards the end as I got behind over the last weekend of the month but I finished strong.

     I met a lot of interesting people and enjoyed visiting all the blogs (my tactic was to start with all of the unusual blog names first or anything having to do with Haiku-as one of my blogs is devoted to that subject and then I just visited everyone else).  I signed up as a follower on many of the blogs that I visited.  Plus I garnered a few more followers on my blogs, as well.  This was a welcome development as one of my blogs had been around since 2010 and wasn't really catching on.  I had had the same 4 followers, forever.  Now I have 13 followers which I think of as a huge improvement and I want to thank everyone who signed up for this blog as well as those who signed up for my other blogs, too.

     There were so many positive comments shared with me.  I enjoyed reading all of them.  I had some trouble responding to my commenters and I will no doubt need to learn how to do this part of the blogging process better.  To those who may not have received a response, I did see your comments and I want you to know how much I appreciated each and every one of them.

I can't wait to take the challenge again next year!


Anonymous said...

Congratulations on completing the challenge, also your very good detailed Reflections post.


baygirl32 said...

Congrats on finishing an epic challenge! hope to see you again next year

Arlee Bird said...

Congratulations on finishing the 2013 Challenge and glad it was a rewarding experience for you. Let me offer a tip for you if you'd like to see more followers click on the widget. Move your follower widget toward the top of the page so it stands out more and then visitors might be more apt to click on it. Right now it's kind of hidden away and easy to miss.

Thanks for A to Z-ing with us!

An A to Z Co-Host
Tossing It Out